
Accessing our website and cookies

When you visit our website we may collect information from you, such as your email address, IP address and other online identifiers. This helps us to track unique visits and monitor patterns of customer website traffic, such as who visits and why they visit. We use third parties to collate IP addresses to help us understand our internet traffic data and data regarding your browser type and computer. We may also use web usage information to create statistical data regarding the use of our website. We may then use or disclose that statistical data to others for marketing and strategic development purposes, but no individuals will be identified in such statistical data.

We may use cookies and or, pixel tags on some pages of our website. A cookie is a small text file sent to your computer. A pixel tag is an invisible tag placed on certain pages of our website, but not on your computer. Pixel tags usually work together with cookies to help us to give you a more tailored service. We also use cookies and pixel tags in our email communication to personalise the email and track whether the email has been opened and whether the recipient has used any website links contained in the email communication. This allows us to monitor and improve our email communications and website. Useful information about cookies, including how to remove them, can be found at

Internet browsers normally accept cookies by default, although it’s possible to set a browser to reject cookies. We’ll ask your permission before using any cookie that’s not essential to the email or the use of the website. However, refusing to accept cookies may restrict your use of our website and/or delay or affect the way in which our website operates. You can find more information on cookies when you visit our website.

The open nature of the internet is such that data may flow over networks without security measures, and may be accessed and used by people other than those for whom the data is intended. While this is outside of our control, we do take the protection of your information very seriously and aim to apply appropriate levels of security at all times.
